Hello Everyone:
Happy Victoria Day Weekend! We hope you are all staying safe and healthy!
We are happy to again report NO RESIDENTS or staff are presenting COVID-19 signs or symptoms at Kamloops Seniors Village. We will continue to provide bi-weekly updates, so you are aware of changes as they occur and for some reassurance to you on the care of your loved-one. If you are the family member receiving this email, please ensure you are forwarding it on to other members of your family.
With the recent announcements from Dr. Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix, we will be seeing some community changes over the next month, however there will only be some small changes to our protocols at this time. The loosening of restrictions and change of protocols will occur with considerable thought and will be based on ensuring the utmost safety of your loved ones.
Should the status of Kamloops Seniors Village change in any respect, please know that we will immediately contact families.
We are following the direction of our Public Health Officers to the letter and have full infection prevention and control precautions in place. Staff continue to monitor residents closely and are ensuring the protocols are being adhered to, including restriction of ALL visitors, social distancing and sanitization procedures.
Window visits will now be permitted with the following guidelines:
Assisted Living/Independent Living
The patio is open for the tenants to enjoy the beautiful May weather with specific times blocks. Only eight chairs are on the patio and they are social distanced from one another. There is a request process to limit the amount of time residents have on the patio to allow everyone a have a chance to enjoy the exquisite view.
The Assisted/Independent Living tenants are happy to have small group recreation programs reinstated with a maximum of five tenants per group. Tenants will be required to sign up for programs in advance and will be pre-screened prior to entry to the program. Physical distancing and sanitization procedures will be in place during these programs.
Recreation Program
On Residential Care, the Recreation staff are continuing one on one visits throughout the day and encouraging physical distancing practices. One on one visits consist of walks (inside), courtyard walks, crafts, trivia, reading, personalized visits/chats which may include scheduled Skype chats, and some early gardening.
Recreation staff are also supplying the tenants and residents with self-directed activities such as word searches, crosswords, colouring pages and books so they have activities to enjoy in their free time. Again, please remind and motivate your loved ones to participate in these different activities.
We are also providing scheduled Skype visits for residents. Please reach out to Erica Buckingham, Recreation Manager by e-mail at ebuckingham@retirementconcepts.com or call 250.571.2958 to set up a time to Skype. We will be happy to confirm a date and time to connect you with your loved-one.
Dining Room
Lunch and dinner for both Independent Living and Assisted Living residents will continue to be served directly to the suites by Food Services staff. Freshly baked muffins, scones and snacks, as well as fresh fruit and coffee will continue to be available for pickup throughout the day and early evening by Food Services staff from the Private Dining Room. All pickups will adhere to strict social distancing measures for the health and safety of all residents and staff.
Deliveries and Drop-offs:
All deliveries will continue to be received at the front desk, however we have implemented a welcome change, relaxing the 72 hour quarantine. Deliveries can now include perishable items, groceries, non-perishables, gifts. All items will be sanitized, bagged and we will call the tenants to come and pick up their items right away.
Drop-off Guidelines:
Our General Store remains open and well stocked with items to meet the needs of our residents. Specific requests can be made at the front desk and we will endeavour to meet these needs as well.
Reminders for your loved one to Stay Safe:
Again, the following four points are so critical to discuss with your loved ones. Please help us by reminding each resident daily of the following four items:
The staff and leadership team are continuing to plan creative ways to bring joy and smiles to the face of residents by providing special delivery items, and always take the time to chat with those who are just needing a little visit.
We want to thank everyone for their cooperation and patience during these ever changing circumstances.