Hello Everyone!
Welcome to our latest updates at Kamloops Seniors Village! The weather is playing tricks on us with some crisper weather and a dusting of snow. Hopefully “The Luck of the Irish” will bring us good fortune next week with sunny skies!
With the continuing Covid 19 numbers, both locally and in other health authorities, restrictions will remain in effect for our tenants, residents and families. We will be continuing to follow the direction of our provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, and our general NO VISITOR policy remains in place.
Please check out our most recent updates/changes:
You, as family members play a key role in the continuing success of this Visitation Plan. As we all work together to closely follow Health Authority protocols, should any family member not adhere to the safety parameters that we have in place, they will be asked to leave.
Window Visits are continuing with the same following guidelines:
COVID Vaccinations Update
We are again happy to share that on March 1, 2021, our Independent Living tenants received their COVID-19 vaccine first dose, in addition to our Long Term Care residents receiving their COVID-19 vaccine second dose. We will keep you updated on any changes to our policies as Dr. Bonnie Henry’s Medical Health Orders evolve in conjunction with the General Public’s Vaccination Plan.
Recreation Program
On Wednesday, March 17, our tenants and residents will be “Travelling to Ireland” enjoying St. Patrick’s Day Socials with Linda Fenrich served with Shamrock Shakes! Our Culinary Team will be delighting our palettes with delicious Irish Stew, Chocolate Mint Brownies, Corn Beef & Cabbage, and the infamous optional Green Beverage!
Our Annual “Hatch a Chicken” Eggs have arrived yesterday and are due to Hatch around April 1. We have 7 eggs in an incubator on display in the lobby! Our tenants, residents, staff and families are so happy to see them once again; another sign that spring is just around the corner! Check them out on your next visit or follow the RC Instagram Page for updates! Also remember to “Spring Forward Your Clocks” 1 Hour on Sunday, March 14!
We are continuing to provide scheduled virtual visits for residents & tenants. Please reach out to Erica Buckingham, Recreation Manager by e-mail at ebuckingham@retirementconcepts.com or call 250.571.2958 to set up a time via Skype or FaceTime. We will be happy to confirm a date and time to connect you with your loved-one.
Complex Care Family Council
Kamloops Seniors Village’s Family Council is made available to Family Members of Complex Care residents. We invite new resident’s families to join the council, participate in the meeting, and provide a voice for your loved one! Meetings are held on the 4th Monday of every month via ZOOM during COVID, excluding December July and August. The Zoom link and minutes are sent out the week prior. The meetings are self-directed by the families with KSV Leadership present for support. Please reach out to Erica, Recreation Manager, for further questions.
Deliveries and Drop-offs:
All deliveries will continue to be received at the front desk and will be sanitized, bagged and we will call the tenants to come and pick up their items right away. Please ensure you label all items with name and room number to ensure all packages are received as quickly as possible.
With Easter coming up, for floral deliveries, please ensure there are no LILIES in the arrangement for allergy precautions.
Reminders for your loved one to Stay Safe:
Please help us by reminding each resident daily of the following four items:
Fraud/Phone Scam Alerts
Unfortunately, it’s that time of year where phone scam and phishing emails are on the rise due to not only Coronavirus, but tax season as well. Please remind your loved ones to beware of these scams and to NOT provide any personal information (SIN, Credit Card, Care Card, or Date of Birth) over the phone, or click on a random link in an email.
We want to thank everyone for their continued cooperation and patience during these ever-changing circumstances.