January 2, 2021
To the tenants and staff and families of KSV,
As per our previous emails, we were informed December 28th that a staff member who last worked on December 27th in the 2B neighborhood on residential care, has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. The staff member was wearing proper and required PPE (personal protective equipment) at all times and only worked in the 2B location. The staff member is isolating at home and is doing well. We continue to do daily check-ins with them.
We had a meeting with the Interior Health Environmental Officers Thursday and are waiting to meet with the Infection Prevention and Control team with IHA this week.
As a precautionary measure, we did follow up and provided those residents who were in contact with our staff member a COVID swab. We are waiting to hear back regarding results. Again this is a precautionary measure and currently all our residents and staff remain asymptomatic (no signs or symptoms).
At this time, we have continued to cancel ALL visitations in our building for safety and peace of mind to all. As the situation progresses, we will be able to determine when visits can resume. We will provide updates on this as they are available.
Our staff continue to wear appropriate PPE at all times whether with or without residents. As well we continue to be attentive to our hand hygiene practices. Hand washing, hand washing, and hand washing. The staff will continue co-horting to their respective neighborhoods to decrease any transmission. We also have additional housekeeping staff for enhanced cleaning and to allow for staff-floor grouping.
As mentioned previously, I cannot stress enough the importance of wearing our masks. This is for staff and the tenants and visitors, when we get back to having our visitors back in the building. For our tenants, to help keep you safe, when you are in public spaces (other dining room actively eating) and not wearing a mask in the building you will be directed to wear one. If you do not want to wear one we understand and want to give you that choice, saying that if you choose to not wear one you will be asked to return to your room.
Again I would like to re-iterate that we are NOT in a COVID outbreak at this time but taking proactive approach. I can assure you that if there are any changes we will notify you in a timely manner.
We will continue to provide regular communication and want to ensure we are providing you with the most accurate information.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of the leadership team.
If you are looking to stay up to date on current COVID-19 information, I encourage you to look at the following resources. They are concise, accurate and informative.
Hoping this finds you all safe and healthy. Please do your part, if or when you do go out keep your distance from others and ensure you wear your masks properly and wash your hands regularly.
Lisa Robitaille
General Manager
Kamloops Seniors Village