
Feb 12 2021

Hello to all of our friends and families.

Friday, we celebrate Chinese New Year with a special lunch menu for all of our residents that include Egg Drop soup, Shrimp fried rice and sweet and sour chicken.

As all of you know, Sunday is Valentine’s Day and our Chef has a delectable Surf and Turf dinner planned with a decadent dessert.

Our recreation team will be sure to spread the love with cards and chocolates throughout the day

Most of our long term care residents and staff have now received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. We are waiting to hear from Fraser Health as to when they will be onsite to administer the second dose for residents (Time frame between doses is 45 days at present as a guideline)

We are also making appointments for essential visitors as well. For those of you who have received your first dose and as far as we know right now, Fraser Health will contact you directly to arrange to have your second dose.

Our goal is to have as many residents, staff and essential visitors vaccinated as possible in the hopes that we can someday lighten up our visitation guidelines as the Provincial health orders allow.

On site visits will now be on specific days by floor. There will be one visit at 2:15 and one at 3:00

Second floor residents can have on site or window visits on Sunday, Monday or Wednesday

Third floor residents can have on site or window visits on Tuesday Thursday or Saturday

Virtual visits will remain in the same time slots 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, and 11:00 in half hour increments

All onsite visits (inside visits) can only be with the designated visitor. To book a visit (virtual or onsite) with your loved one please email


If a resident in our long term care is not doing well, there might be an exception made to the designated visitor rule as they will be allowed to visit in the resident’s room. This would then become an essential visit

Our Director of Care, Jessica Obra will contact the family if there is a need for an essential visitor.

For any clinical concerns please email at jobra@retirementconcepts.com or call her at 604-541-4663 ext 115

For any other questions regarding your loved one please email our recreation team at WRSV-recreation@retirementconcepts.com or call them at 604-541-4663 ext 108

As always, stay safe, and stay informed

The White Rock Seniors Village Team