
To all Family Members:                                    

We are pleased that Dufferin remains COVID free – but please note that we continue to follow MHO mandate of no visitors to our building.

We want to wish all Fathers at Dufferin Care Centre a Happy Father’s Day on Sunday June 21st.

Treats and snacks for your loved ones will be accepted . Please keep in mind, we will only accept pre-packaged dry goods which can be sanitized. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ITEMS LIKE HOT FOODS, HOME COOKED GOODS, FLOWERS, OR CAKES. All food items must be compliant with the direction of our Dietician and food texture requirements. If you have any questions about what can be dropped off, please reach out to Melissa Toth, Community Relations Manager at mtoth@retirementconcepts.com or 604-351-2200.

Facetime and Window visits continue. Please note it is BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please reach out to mvickers@retirementconcepts.com or call 604-552-1166 ext. 308 to schedule a FACETIME or WINDOW  visit with your loved one. Recreation is doing their best to respond as quickly as possible. If you have left a voicemail or email they will return it as soon as they can. We cannot accommodate walk in window visits.

Status Update

Close monitoring of all residents and staff continues. All staff are screened as they enter the building. All staff continue to wear masks and goggles while they are on resident units.


If you have questions related to a specific resident, please address those matters to: info@retirementconcepts.com. As you might expect, staff are extremely busy but we will respond as quickly as possible.

Lockdown at Dufferin Care Centre

The community remains on mandatory lockdown as per the Order of the Medical Health Officer.


We are receiving an adequate amount of PPE supplies both from Corporate and Fraser Health Authority.