
Island Health Visiting Policy has not changed

Dear Families

We are all pleased to have heard the update from Dr. Bonnie Henry in Wednesday’s news about slowing lifting some of the restrictions due to COVID -19. Please know that we will update you as soon as we have new guidelines from Island Health on admitting visitors. But until that time we must maintain strict adherence to the existing protocols and ask for your continued patience. We know that the tenants and families are wanting to see each other, and we are hopeful that new policies will be introduced in a couple of weeks.

We are pleased to continue to report that no staff or residents are presenting COVID-19 signs or symptoms at Casa Loma Seniors Village and Comox Seniors Village. Thank you for your continued adherence to our no visitor policy. All the updates are posted to our website for easy reference. Should the status of this community change in any respect, please know that we will immediately contact families.


For our Independent and Assisted Living tenants and families, if you are planning to meet outside on the lawns, we ask that you strictly adhere to keeping 2 meters apart, and family members, please wear a mask. It can be a surgical or a cloth mask.

Please consider your exposure risk to your loved one here at our communities.

 Low MediumHigh
Personal lifeGood social distancing, home only, no risk with others in your homeYou/those in your house member have been within close distances of groups of people

(community, workplace)

Travelled, been on a ferry, cruise, bus (includes city) or train, you have attended places, with close spacing with other people.
DistanceNo contact2 plus meters1 meter and under
Level of understanding and compliance

of Infection Prevention

Disinfecting surfaces, hand hygiene, understand the virus wellGood hand hygiene but not disinfecting surfaces, poor distancingAre not taking the risks seriously, poor hand washing



Deliveries can be dropped off at the reception areas of both buildings. We will sanitize all items and deliver the items to the tenant’s suites, unless they are able to pick them up themselves.

Dropping items off: for families please follow these guidelines as I am sure you want your parent or loved one to get their deliveries in a timely manner.

  1. Please use paper or plastic bags (no reusable bags)
  2. Make sure to label all bags with resident name and room number
  3. Try to limit drop offs times to 9:00am – 4:00pm – staff are available at these times to make deliveries


Please help us with reinforcing the following four points, which are so critical, with your loved ones.

  1. Practice social distancing (6 feet apart) both inside and when you are outside walking on the grounds
  2. Perform proper Hand Hygiene (wash hands frequently for 20 seconds with the alcohol-based sanitizer or soap and hot water)
  3. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  4. Stay in their room if you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing – ****PLEASE REMIND THEM TO CALL THE FRONT DESK OR USE THEIR EMERGENCY PENDANT***

“It has never been as important as today that we ask that you practice diligence and judgement in your ability to practice social distancing in your personal lives, as we can all unknowingly bring this to our communities.”

Jenni Deneka COO

The team at Comox Valley Seniors Village and Casa Loma