
Dear Families,

NO RESIDENTS are presenting COVID-19 signs or symptoms at Casa Loma Seniors Village and Comox Seniors Village. However, we recognize that this is an anxious time for you and your families, and we hope that by continuing to send out regular updates, we can provide some reassurance to you on the care of your loved-one. Updates will also be posted on the Comox Valley and Casa Loma websites.

Should the status of this community change in any respect, please know that we will immediately contact families.


We will be hosting a Family Council Teleconference this Thursday May 28 at 2:00pm. Please join us for updates and roundtable discussion addressing your questions, related to residents in the long term care part of our community. We look forward to connecting with you.

CALL: 1-844-445-4475 (toll free)


The agenda will be emailed out on Thursday morning. If you have an item that you would like to see added to the agenda, please email Kelley Romeril.

Thank you for all your support and cooperation during this challenging time. It is so important for the residents, staff and for family and friends.

The Team at Comox Valley Seniors Village and Casa Loma