Thursday November 26 Update Comox Valley and Casa Loma Seniors Village
Letter to the Editor (Excerpt)
Comox Valley Record – Wednesday November 4, 2020
“When she was palliative, we had the chance to sit in her room and silently observe the daily goings on, the ins and outs of life at the Comox Valley Seniors’ Village.
It astonished us.
It quickly become evident to us that our mom was never alone. In fact, the staff was like family. Her room had been a break room of sorts. You knew her. The music she liked, the family stories, her 2 daughters’ lives- you knew her and loved her, and it showed. Indignant situations were dealt with professionally and with respect. She trusted you.
You had her back.
She responded to your voices and touch. You lovingly brushed her hair, showed her videos of your pets, soothed her, and kissed her. You also took care of her daughters who were stunned and immobilized with the tyranny of grief.
Mom died on Remembrance Day. I remember hearing a resident who was in a wheelchair insisting on ‘standing’ at 11:00 o’clock out of respect for veterans.
And you held him up.
We think you are heroes and if ever there are days when you question your career choice- please know that it was evident to us that we don’t know what we would have done without you. You made a profound, indelible difference in my mom’s life and death.
You will always have a fond place in this final chapter of our mom’s life and in our broken hearts.
With utmost respect, gratitude and awe, we say thank you, thank you, thank god for you.”
Update from the Provincial Health Officer
In an effort to comply with the most recent recommendations from the Provincial Health Officer and in order to provide as safe an environment as possible for our tenants, residents, and Staff, Comox Valley Seniors Village and Casa Loma have implemented the following precautions for the tenants, effective until December 9, 2020:
Masks are available from the reception desk or the Home Support Team.
Indoor Social Visits – continuing as per previous guidelines
If there is no active COVID-19 outbreak at the facility, a resident may visit with one designated family member or friend*.
*Facility staff/operator can approve a change to the designated visitor under extenuating circumstances; for example, if the visitor moves away or becomes ill and is unable to visit.
The visitor must:
Please email to set up an indoor social visit, as the designated visitor. We will do our best to accommodate a weekly indoor visit.
There continues to be no signs or symptoms of COVID-19 in any of our residents/tenants or staff at Casa Loma and Comox Valley Seniors Village and for that we are very grateful. Should the status of our community change in any respect, please know that we will immediately contact families.
A big thank you to everyone for working so hard to keep Casa Loma and Comox Valley Seniors Village safe and healthy, as well as for the kindness, understanding and support there has been.
The Team at Comox Valley Seniors Village and Casa Loma