Hello Auburn and Waverly Family and Friends!
Thankfully we remain to be COVID free.
Recreation is working on the monthly activities while keeping social distancing in mind. We know this can be challenging. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to respond to this email.
It is wonderful we are able to be open for visits! We enjoy seeing families happy together again. As mentioned previously, we continue to take a very cautious for all of our Residents and Staff safety, so please make sure to follow the Protocol below.
We do have some two bedroom apartments now available in Auburn! Please contact us if you are looking for a bit more room!
We have some wonderful referral bonuses if anyone you know would like to join our fabulous communities.
As per Health Authority Designated Visitor Mandates & Infection Control:
One Designated Family Visitor & Scheduling Your Visit
- Each family must designate a sole visitor.
- The designated visitor is to schedule an appointment through Brad at bwild@retirementconcepts.com or alternatively you may call the Reception at 604-792-3545 . Our team will contact you with an appointment day and time.
What Happens at Your Scheduled Visit
- The designated visitor is expected to arrive on time. Only the designated visitor will be admitted to the building once Health Pre-Screen is approved. The only entrance and exit to our building is our lobby door. Please wait outside until your time. Time will not be extended for latecomers. A staff member will welcome you & guide you through all protocols.
- The visitor must bring a clean, medical grade mask. VISITORS WITHOUT A MASK CANNOT PROCEED INTO BUILDING. The visitor must put on their mask before entering the lobby pre-screening station and wear it for the entirety of their time in the building (or /if outdoor visits, until they depart).
- The visitor must complete the pre-screening process for entry.
- The following are symptoms that would deem visitors inadmissible as the health of all residents & essential staff are a top priority:
Fever , Chills, Cough, Shortness of breath, Runny Nose, Sore Throat
Loss of Smell or Taste Headache, Fatigue, Diarrhea, Loss of Appetite, Nausea and Vomiting, Muscle Aches , Exposure to someone with a suspected positive COVID-19 case, Anyone who has been traveling outside of Canada
- Your temperature will be taken and recorded, and Designated Visitor will sign in. If any symptoms are present, the visit must be cancelled. If you are not well, please call in advance to notify us, and do not come for the visit. We will reschedule, as the health of all residents & essential staff are a top priority:
- The visitor will perform hand sanitizing before and after the visit, as well as if he or she touches their face during the visit. Sanitizer will be provided.
- Physical distancing of 2 meters will be observed at all times.
- No physical contact can be made between the resident and the visitor.
- Visitation Stations furnishings will be positioned with mandated 2 meter social distancing in place; seating across the table from the resident is to be maintained during entirety of visit.
- Please No food items at this time.
- Any gifts will be sanitized prior to presentation to the resident.
- A staff member will be present at all times.
Please Note
These protocols and guidelines are set forth by the health authorities and we must adhere to them or visitations will be canceled.
Non-compliance of any of the above will result in cancellation of visit.
Visits may be cancelled due to operational concerns or if an outbreak of any kind is declared.
Enhanced sanitizing of furnishings and high touch points will occur between scheduled visits to ensure the health & safety of residents & designated visitor. *Resident care includes temperature check & hand sanitize pre and post visits by our team.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you all once again for your patience and understanding. It is very much appreciated 🙂