
Welcome to the Weekly Auburn Update!

March 22nd – March 26th

General Manager’s Message:

We hope you are all enjoying the sunshine the last few days has brought us.  The view of the mountains has been astounding. We are noticing a lot of our tenants taking advantage and going for walks.

The Auburn held their COVID vaccine clinic last week and most residents and staff have now had their first vaccine.  Although most of you have had a first does of the Covid 19 Vaccine, we continue to ask that you limit visitors to essential only-to ensure everyone’s safety.

You can go to the BCCDC site to review the data for new cases.  http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/data#COVID-19Dashboard

Auburn Socials

Every Thursday we have treats with Wendy!  Come down to the Bistro to reserve your spot. We have two seating’s starting at 2pm.

All residents are welcome to come down to the Media room every Wednesday at 2pm for Crafts with Wendy and Susan!

St. Patrick’s Day Social was a blast.  Green cake, green beer, games, singing & a lot of laughs were had!  With the power washing continuing, paint touch ups to the building and plants going in the soil – We hope to uplift our residents spirits for spring.  Don’t forget to grab your tea or coffee and join the fun in the library or media room.

Please help us by reminding each resident daily of the following four items:

  1. Practice social/physical distancing (6 feet apart)
  2. Perform proper Hand Hygiene (Wash hands frequently for 20 seconds with the alcohol-based sanitizer or soap and hot water) 20 seconds or greater is so important.
  3. Remember masks must be worn in all common areas at Auburn.  Please try to avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  4. If exhibiting any symptoms (fever, cough and difficulty breathing) please alert staff immediately.



Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, And Stay Happy!