
To all Family Members:

Dufferin Care Center staff are grateful for the ongoing support of families – and wish to express our thanks for the most recent donations of masks, gowns and gloves.

Status Update

Today there are no changes in the number of affected residents or staff. We remain at 11 affected residents and 6 affected staff.

The affected residents continue to reside on first floor, where they all remain in isolation – while affected staff are home, in self-isolation. All residents continue to be closely monitored, and should any become symptomatic, they are swabbed, placed in isolation as a precaution until lab result are known, and families are informed.

We continue to screen our staff upon entrance into our building and midway through their shift.


Communication with all families continues via e-mail. Daily phone calls to family members of the impacted residents will continue.

If there are any changes in other residents,  families will be updated immediately. We also communicate with our affected staff three times per week.

We continue to be in frequent communication with Fraser Health Authority representatives. Their support, advice and direction is truly appreciated.

If you have questions related to a specific resident, please address those matters to: info@retirementconcepts.com As you might expect, staff are extremely busy but we will respond as quickly as possible.

Lockdown at Dufferin Care Centre

The community remains on mandatory lockdown as per the Order of the Medical Health Officer.

We are following Dr. Bonnie Henry’s order to stop sharing staff between facilities.


Today we are fully staffed in the Laundry, CARE and Housekeeping departments. We remain short staff in Dietary and Recreation departments. FHA has deployed RCAs to fill in for our staffing shortages resulting in full CARE staffing complement.

We are no longer outsourcing our meals from GSV. Today is the second day that we are receiving meals from Lazy Gourmet catering company. Some of the residents are truly enjoying the “new” food.


We continue to monitor our supplies closely. We have received emergency supplies through our Corporate Procurement as well as Fraser Health.


Our staff continue to show tremendous dedication and commitment in caring for our residents. It was a pleasure to see Melissa Palana DOC, featured last evening, April 23 on Global TV News as a BC Healthcare Hero in recognition of her dedication and commitment to the health and safety of the residents, as well as to the entire TEAM at DCC!