
This planning tool has been designed to guide Assisted Living residences through WorkSafeBC’s six-step process to reduce the risk of COVID-19 in Assisted Living. Briefly, these steps are:

This plan is a template and is designed to be modified based on the needs of your organization.

Green text throughout the document can be replaced with your organization’s information.

The checklists in each section are fillable – if the item listed is applicable to your workplace, you can click on the box and a checkmark will appear. If the item as written is not applicable, you may re-word it to meet the needs of your workplace or delete it.

There are boxes to add additional information at the end of each section. If there is no additional information to be added, the box can be deleted.


Assemble a team including leadership and worker representatives from the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (JOHSC). For sites that do not have a JOHSC, a worker safety representative must be involved in the process of developing your COVID-19 Safety Plan.

You may wish to perform an inspection of the assisted living residence as a part of developing your COVID-19 Safety Plan. SafeCare BC has developed a COVID-19 Safety Inspection Tool that can guide you through the development of your COVID-19 Safety Plan.

Once completed, forward a copy of the Safety Inspection Checklist to your Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee, and keep a copy on file.

In accordance with the order of the Provincial Health Officer dated May 14th, 2020 a copy of the completed COVID-19 Safety Plan must be posted on your website and also made readily available at the workplace for review by workers, contractors, volunteers, suppliers, visitors, and any other person who could be providing services at the workplace.

A copy of the COVID-19 Safety Plan and other associated documentation must be provided if requested by a WorkSafeBC officer.

This COVID-19 Safety Plan should be regularly reviewed and updated as work processes change or new orders from the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) or Medical Health Officer (MHO) are implemented.

COVID 19 Safety Plan

Organization NameKamloops Seniors Village
Address1220 Hugh Allan Drive Kamloops, BC V1S 2B3
Date of CreationMarch 19, 2020
Date of Revision(s)Sept 5, 2020, April 15, 2021, Dec. 8, 2021, March 11, 2022

Orders from the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) or a Medical Health Officer (MHO) that reference Assisted Living take precedence over this policy.

All employers in British Columbia have an obligation under the Workers Compensation Act to ensure the health and safety of workers and others at their workplace and to implement polices and procedures to protect workers from the risk of exposure to COVID-19.

At Kamloops Seniors Village we have developed a COVID-19 Safety Plan (Safety Plan) mandated by the Provincial Health Officer Order dated May 14th, 2020. This plan outlines the policies, guidelines, and procedures put in place to eliminate, and where elimination is not possible, to reduce, the risk of COVID-19 exposure to Kamloops Seniors Village workers, contractors, volunteers, residents, and visitors.

This Safety Plan addresses current operating status of Kamloops Seniors Village. As services are gradually increased within the assisted living residence, this plan will be updated.

As a part of assessing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in the workplace, the following groups and information sources were consulted:


This plan applies to all workers, including management, supervisors, front line workers, volunteers, and visitors to Kamloops Seniors Village

Current Control Measures in place at [Organization name]

Workers (including Contractors & Volunteers)

Additional Information:


Additional Information:


Additional Information:

Hand Hygiene

Additional Information:

Respiratory Hygiene

Additional Information:

Workplace Arrangements

Organization Entrance

One door for entry, one door for exit.

Organization Lobby

Consider spacing seating arrangements or removing seating.

-Barriers around reception desk if physical distancing can not be maintained.

Worker Lunchroom/break room Furniture has been removed to limit seating capacity.

Occupancy Limit is in place

Worker shared spaces Furniture has been removed to limit seating capacity

Occupancy Limit is in place

Administrative areas Furniture has been removed to limit seating capacityNursing Medication Rooms

Occupancy Limit of 2


Occupancy limit of 2

Staff Washrooms

Occupancy Limit of 1

Training Rooms

Consider arrangement of furniture.

Occupancy Limit of 1

Board Room

Consider arrangement of furniture.

Occupancy Limit of 8

Additional Information:

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Additional Information:

Cleaning and Disinfection

Additional Information:

Environmental Cleaning

Additional Information:

Expansion of Services

Kamloops Seniors Village has reviewed our existing risk assessments for the jobs and areas affected in the workplace. We have considered the effects of control measures discussed in this COVID-19 Safety Plan on existing safeguards and controls and revised our risk assessments and other documentation accordingly.

Additional Information:

In accordance with the order of the Provincial Health Officer dated May 14th, 2020 a copy of Kamloops Seniors Village COVID-19 Safety Plan has been posted at all Complex Care neighbourhoods, on the KSV OH&S board, on the KSV Licencing and Family Board.