Friday, July 24, 2020– Beacon Hill Villa – Update
Dedicated families,
We want to thank everyone for their patience as we start our visiting program. If you have submitted an application but have not heard from us, please follow up with an email to the new email address:
As things will look a bit different, here is a summary of what to expect on your visits:
The Anticipated schedule will include 1 visit every 2 weeks. We hope to expand this as restrictions ease. This will ensure all residents have a visit with their loved one and the recreation team will be able to provide programs for residents who do not have family visiting.
In order to maximize our time so all families can benefit from booking a visit faster:
Take care and stay safe,
Beacon Hill Villa Team
Updates on Admissions and Transfers:
Admissions have resumed and are following Ministry of Health and Vancouver Island Health Authority guidelines and safety precautions
Covid Response Protocol
Any resident that shows symptoms will be tested for COVID-19 without delay and put in isolation as a precaution. If the resident is positive, they will be assessed for transfer to a dedicated COVID-19 unit for specialized treatment and to reduce risk of outbreak in the LTC home. Island Health Communicable Disease will guide.
Prevention Protocols
We are continuing to follow the direction of our public health officials and have infection prevention and control precautions in place.
Recreation Program
We are pleased to share that we are continuing to shift our recreation offerings according to updates with guidelines and recommendations:
– We have started small group programming following guidelines and direction
– We appreciate your understanding as the resumption of small group activities may impact our ability to facilitate video calls and virtual visits as frequently.
Dropping items off: Please coordinate all item drop-offs with the Recreation Manager, Kassandra Please consider using Canada Post where precautions have been put in place
Public Health Measures
Please remember these important public health measures to keep yourself and others safe:
Thank You
The Beacon Hill Villa Team