COVID-19 Community Update from Beacon Hill Villa, June 24-2021
Hello all dedicated friends and family of Beacon Hill Villa!
Summer has begun! And with it brings lots of fun!
To celebrate all the Fathers of Beacon Hill Villa, this week we had a Father’s Day celebration. The residents celebrated by reminiscing about their own fathers, their grandfathers, and their own lives, and also got the chance to play a selection of games such as beer pong, crosswords, and jigsaw puzzles.
Other fun summer activities this week included a live music performance, ice cream treats, as well as a BBQ for our Director of Care who will be leaving us this week. We wish you all the best in your retirement, and we will miss you greatly Cheryl!
With all of the activities done so far this summer, and with plenty more on the way, the summer is truly off to a great start!
UPDATE on how visit scheduling will be handled from now on.
All requests for a visit between visitors and residents will be booked by the HCSW (Health Care Support Worker) team. Visitors will contact the HCSW team either by phone or email, and will need to provide two choices of days for visiting times in the event that one day becomes unsuitable for either parties. Voicemails and emails will be responded to within 24 hours.
Any and all questions can be directed to the HSCW team at:
T: 250-383-5447 ext. 242
Or by email at
Take care and stay safe,
Beacon Hill Villa Team