Welcome back to The Wellesley!
We have some exciting news! Our hairdresser Marie has submitted her safety plan for a return to business and the residents are very excited! Please contact Marie directly to book your appointment. She will be working from Wednesday – Friday– please call her or email her at: 250-858-4955 , kmforsberg@rocketmail.com
As directed by VIHA, we will be permitting restricted access to visitors. We currently have no cases of any Respiratory Illness and with our collective diligence we intend to keep it that way.
The social visit program has a different process, but the most important part is that you cannot book a visit unless you are the designated visitor for a given resident. The Designated Visitor Form is available upon request (and attached), and must be completed and submitted for approval. Please email the completed form to: snutchey@retirementconcepts.com. . The designated visitor cannot be changed for the time being, until the government reviews their policies sometime this month. Please continue to book social visits (if you are a designated visitor) by phoning the Front Desk at 250-383-9099. We have had to adjust the visiting due to people showing up on unscheduled visits and impeding on other people’s scheduled visits so please try to understand we are working hard at facilitating all your requests.
Visits must be limited to 45 minutes maximum. Please familiarize yourself with our updated policies and procedures and thank you for your understanding and support in keeping everyone in our residence safe.
We have 3 designated outside areas with the following guideline of times: Courtyard, daily from 9 am. – 8 pm, Zen Garden from 9 am – 8 pm and the Patio/outside the dining from 9 am – 11 am, 2-4 pm and 6:30-8 pm
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our Front Desk Team at 250-383-9099.
Thank You,
Steve Amyotte
General Manager – The Wellesley
Community Update for Friday, August 7-2020, The Wellesley
Please note: for the duration of the summer months, we have moved to a weekly family email update schedule.
(if you wish to be removed from the emails, please let me know. The information is also posted on the webpage)
We are following the direction of our public health officials and have full infection prevention and control precautions in place. Staff continue to monitor residents closely and are ensuring the following protocols are being adhered to:
We just want to remind everyone that as per Island Health Authority, only essential visitors are permitted at this time inside our building. Both Comfort Keepers and Home Instead have siloed our properties and ONLY workers here will remain here *no face to face with family or friends* we have requested our Hairdresser submit her safety plan to us, and once that is approved as per the Work Safe BC guidelines, we will share with you Marie’s return.
All workers will be wearing gloves and masks
All deliveries will be received at the front entrance between the glass doors. This includes groceries, medications, and gifts. All will be sanitized and delivered directly to the resident’s suites.
***If you would like to pick up your loved ones laundry we can arrange that, please call the front desk or email me to arrange***
Dropping items off: for families please follow these guidelines to ensure your parent or loved one to get their deliveries in a timely manner.
Assisted Living Building/Dining Room
We are currently delivering all meals to individuals in their rooms. For lunch this delivery starts at approximately 11:00 and for dinner at 4:00. Our servers will be wearing gloves and a mask. Due to Island Health Guidelines, we do not have the space in the dining room to practice the 6’ perimeter and social distance each table. We will let you know when these guidelines change.
Independent Living Building/Dining Room
We have social distanced the main dining room as well as making use of the Dogwood Room to extend. The tables are of 2s now and all odd suites eat their dinner at 4:30 and all even suites eat at 5:30. Although we understand this may not be the most ideal time, we hope you can understand the need to social distance everyone at this time. If residents prefer we can arrange to have their meal picked up as well.
General Store
We continue to have a good inventory within our General Store. However, we now have to limit requests we are receiving. It has become unmanageable trying to fill every single item that has been requested. Most common items requested by residents are in stock.
Activities & Recreation Department
We have been increasing one on one visits and afternoon socializing which includes walks in the garden or around the building. We can arrange skype calls as well so please call 250-419-6804 to speak to Renee or Stephanie. The phone tree has been a great success with resident council members and floor representatives that we are expanding that to our leadership team making calls as well. Stephanie and the team have been working diligently to sew the masks and the classes have been full!
Messaging to discuss with your Loved Ones
Again, the following four points are so critical to discuss with your loved ones. Please help us by reminding each resident daily of the following four items:
Thank you
Team Wellesley