December 23-2020 Family Message Update
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! We on the Wellesley Team would like to thank everyone, both residents and family for being so very patient with us and the guidelines we have had to follow over this past year. We are hopeful with the news about the Moderna vaccine of what 2021 could look like. As soon as we hear anything we will share with you. We are very blessed to be a part of this family, and want to thank all of you for making this year, although challenging, a year to remember. Thank you to Connie and her team for always making sure our residents have some goodies. And for those who could not have the treats, she made sure they had fruit! We hope everyone enjoyed us coming by, having a chat and making sure they know we care and are thinking of them.
Steve, Connie, Sharon, Sabrina, Mary & Joe, Karen & all housekeeping staff, Renee, Stephanie & Angel, Sheryl, John, Mohan, Nigel, Peter, Marli, Karen and all the front desk staff
By order and direction of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO), all events and social gatherings are suspended to significantly reduce COVID-19 transmission related to social interactions and travel.
The order is in effect from November 19, 2020 at midnight to January 8, 2021 at midnight.
We encourage everyone to please read through Dr. Bonnie Henry’s new PHO orders that have been extended until midnight on January 8th. What does that mean for us? Keep our bubbles small – and this means we strongly discourage ‘group’ outings in order to keep our staff and residents safe. IF you have a schedule visit – please ensure you are wearing a mask and keeping a 6’ social distance between you and your loved one. If family members show up without an appointment and/or just show up – please know we may ask you to leave if you are not following the orders.
Reminders for your loved-one to Stay Safe: Again, the following four points are so critical to discuss with your loved ones. Please help us by reminding each resident daily of the following four items:
Dropping items off: We would ask that families please follow these guidelines as I am sure you want your parent or loved-one to get their deliveries in a timely manner. All deliveries will be received at the front door. This includes groceries, medications, flowers, and gifts. All will be sanitized and delivered directly to the resident’s suites.
Aside from the single visitor policy, we are following the direction of our public health officials and have full infection prevention and control precautions in place. Staff continue to monitor residents closely and are ensuring the following protocols are being adhered to:
Essential Visitors: These have all been contacted and updated in our system. ALL visitors have been approved to be on our property for the health and welfare of our residents. If you have any questions please ask Sharon
Designate Visitors:
If you are the designated visitor, prior to your visit please check in with yourself. If you are feeling unwell, have symptoms of COVID-19, or have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19 please call to cancel your appointment.
Please note that all visitors are now required to wear a medical mask when coming to visit their loved one. Cloth masks are no longer acceptable. At this time, isolation gowns and gloves are NOT required. Our teams will be here to assist during your scheduled visit, should you have any questions
As the holidays approach we understand that many of you will want to visit your loved ones. A gentle reminder that our directives of one designated visitor remain the same throughout the Holiday season. You MUST have a scheduled visit. Please do not just show up without a time and date or you may be turned away. No food or beverages during the visit and please ensure you socially distance 6’. Our visitation area is available and the hours are below along with the email you must use in order to book your visit. Please do not call the front desk as we are trying to ensure everyone can get a visit and would like everyone wanting to book HOLIDAY visits to email below ONLY:
The social visit program : ESSENTIAL VISITS/Designate and visit questions, please direct all your questions and bookings to our new email which is: This email will be monitored by Sharon in Marketing as well as her assistant Sabrina. If you want to book an appointment and/or have questions, please do not hesitate to use this email for these ONLY. If you would like to call to book, you can still do that. *no food or drink are allowed during these visits***
Visits must be limited to 45 minutes maximum. Please familiarize yourself with our updated policies and procedures and thank you for your understanding and support in keeping everyone in our residence safe. Due to weather restrictions, we do have a new inside area to visit as well.
** Please note the change in time of visits due to meal times. 9-11 am, 1-4 pm, 6-7:45 pm
Quadra Village Medical Centre – Dr. Behroozi has acquired some new residents and will continue to reach out to everyone individually who have expressed an interest in getting a new doctor. He is working with a few other local doctors, and we should have a plan in the New Year. Right now he makes his rounds on Thursdays. Any inquiries please see Sharon in her office or by email or by cell 250-514-5114.
Underground Parking:
MOVE OUT Protocols:
Thank You,
#Team Wellesley