Visitations with Family Members
PLEASE NOTE: There is a new Provincial policy from the Ministry of Health regarding mask use in Health Care facilities. Effective immediately all clinicians, health care workers, non-clinical staff and visitors must wear a “medical grade mask that meets ASTM
International and ISO performance requirements for bacterial filtration efficiency, particulate filtration efficiency, fluid resistance, pressure differential, flame spread, skin sensitivity and cytotoxic testing”. This is a mandatory requirement based on BC Ministry of Health directive.
We continue to facilitate our visits and provide programming. However, at this time I ask that families limit their face to face visits to one designated family member. I will no longer be granting multiple family members to book multiple face to face visits with loved ones. This is
all in direct relation to the increasing Covid numbers in BC. I must become firm on the one designated visitor/resident policy. Window visits can still host more than one family member at a time.
Please remember to send an email to if you are interested in scheduling a visit and be sure to provide the following details:
a. Your name and the resident’s name
b. The type of visit preferred (face to face, window visit or FaceTime)
c. The date and time you wish for your visit
Once your scheduled visit has been confirmed, you will be contacted via email with the date and
time of your visit.
• Entry will be through the front entrance of the facility for face to face visits.
• Please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes prior to your scheduled visit.
• You will be required to wear a MEDICAL GRADE mask for the duration of your visit and we ask you to bring one.
• Do not bring anything with you for the resident. This includes: Food, drinks or packages of any kind.
• Visits will be held with social distancing in place for the duration of the visit ie. you are not able to physically touch each other
• Kindly note that in accordance with the B.C. Privacy Act, photos and/or videos will not be permitted during visits.
• We ask you to keep in mind that through all of this, we are following the direction of the M.O.H. and appreciate your patience and support as we navigate through uncharted waters together in an effort to offer the best assistance possible in bringing you closer together with your loved ones during these trying times.
General Store
The General Store remains open with distancing restrictions (1 person at a time) and a good selection of treats and necessities.
Communal dining is back with our usual 2 sittings. It’s so nice to be able to get back to some level of normalcy.
All deliveries must come through the front entrance only and abide by guidelines set out in our previous communications. Once again, we remind folks not to leave deliveries on the carts provided after 4:30 PM.
Please continue to be vigilant when it comes to social habits by adhering to the precautions necessary to mitigate the spread of Covid-19: practice social distancing, keep your social bubbles to a minimum, and wear a mask when deemed necessary