Welcome to our latest update at the Rosemary Heights Seniors Village!
As our province has entered into phase 3 of the BC restart plan, the rapid changes of restrictions and guidelines have slowed for our communities, this is a welcomed phase. With the significant decrease in weekly changes please be advised that we are transitioning away from weekly community updates effective from, July 8 2021. If we are to experience a + COVID-19 case in our community these communication emails will commence right away to keep all families and friends up to date.
If or when there are significant changes, we will send a family communication out to ensure we are capturing any new or added guidelines.
As we shift into a new normal life and these updates stop we want to remind families and friends that our email and phone lines are always open. If you have questions or need clarification on anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We would love to hear from you.
We look forward to seeing you around the community when you come to visit.
Please help us by reminding each resident daily of the following four items:
We ask that families share this information with all parties you believe will be in contact with your loved one. We have all worked so hard together over the last year to keep COVID out of our building. Please remain diligent in your current practice to help keep our home a safe place.
Thank you all for your support and patience as we roll out this new visitation process. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Aside from the visiting policy, we are following the direction of our public health officials and have full infection prevention and control precautions in place. Staff continue to monitor residents closely and are ensuring the following protocols are being adhered to:
Protecting our communities and their loved ones is our top priority at Retirement concepts. The benefits of this social interaction are said to currently outweigh the risks of COVID-19 and we are thrilled to be able to see families together again. Please understand there are still risks associated with this and our guidelines and protocols are in place to do all we can to keep our community safe. Any non-compliance of the current requirements and guidelines may result in the visit being suspended. We ask families and friends to practice safety and caution in order to keep all of our residents and team members safe and healthy during this time.
Summary of the “In Building” social visitation guidelines:
We will continue to have a Screener/Greeter at the front doors which all visitors must come to and be pre-screened, temperature taken and sign in. You will also be provided a sanitization kit that contains a medical graded cleaning wipe and ask that help do your part & clean high touch areas before you leave from your visit. If you do not have a medical grade mask one will be provided for you. The guidelines state you can have 2 adults and 1 child (18yrs or younger) at a time in your suite following all guidelines. When the visit is over, they must sign out and go directly out. Please remind your family and friends that in order to keep everyone safe, we will continue to keep track of all visitors in the building.
For the safety of all of our residents & staff, and to minimize the possible risk of exposure we are requesting that visits occur in your loved one’s suite/room only, please do not access common areas, any patio areas, dining areas or walk hallways. No food or beverage are to be consumed by any visitor during the in person visit within Rosemary Heights (however residents can).
To request visit times/dates email this address rhsv-familyvisits@retirementconcepts.com for visitation.
X Remove your mask at any time
X Please do not touch your mask (sanitize hands if so)
X Do not drink or eat during your visit
X Drop in without an appointment
Our team members first & main priority is the wellbeing & care of our residents that reside at Rosemary Heights.
Long term Care: If you would like to take a resident out, you must still schedule this in advance. Please give the Nurses on the floor as much notice as possible, preferably 24hrs prior, so they can ensure your loved one is ready.
Independent/Assisted Living: You do not need to schedule an outing for our IL/AL residents because they are able to meet you out front or at the door. Please arrange this directly with the resident. If you need to come up to the suite to assist the resident prior to the outing, then a scheduled visit is required.
**Delivery hours are between 9am- 3pm, 7 days a week**
All deliveries will be received at the lobby entrance vestibule. This includes medication deliveries from pharmacies, other gifts and mail. All items will be sanitized and delivered directly to the residents’ suite.
Please do not drop off items after hours, it may be left outside until the designated time listed, if you do, you will be taking your chances & we will not be responsible for anything that is left after hours
Here is how we can still help:
To reach the Assisted Living Nurse 24hrs a day, please call 778-545-5000 ext. 2025
To reach the Nurse on 1st floor long term care or the Overnight Nurses, please call 778-545-5000, ext. 2000/2001 or 2020 (overnight)
To reach the Nurses on 2nd floor long term care, please call 778-545-5000 ext. 2012 or 2036
To reach the Director of Care, Long Term Care -Aisa Nacorda, please call 778-545-5002 or email anacorda@retirementconcepts.com
To reach the Assisted Living Clinical Nurse Lead, Emmanuel Ng, please call 778-545-5000 ext. 1008 or email eng@retirementconcepts.com
For information on Rosemary Heights or to book a tour, please connect with Melissa Toth, Community Relations Manager at 604-209-1486, or email mtoth@retirementconcepts.com
To reach the recreation department, please call Jaylene Smillie at 778-545-5000 ext. 1007, or email jsmillie@retirementconcepts.com
To reach the finance/invoice department, please call Sukhjit Kaur at 778-545-5000 ext.1011 or email skaur@retirementconcepts.com
Lastly, we encourage everyone to keep within the provincial guidelines in your daily lives. As restrictions ease, your loved one’s safety is also in your hands. Performing hand hygiene, proper PPE, self-monitoring for symptoms and enhanced sanitization in your day to day is now more important than ever.
– Your team at Rosemary Heights Seniors Village (RHSV)